Little Things I Miss About… Japan

Ninja For A Day

It goes without saying that being a non-Japanese living in Japan has its fair share of hardships. It is especially true if you don’t know the language and stick out like a sore thumb with non-brown eyes and lighter coloured hair.

Being of Asian heritage, however, I am not ashamed to say that I fully abuse the ability to blend in amongst the Japanese population. It’s almost like being a ninja! Because of this, I thought it would be fun to try to pass off as a student and wear my high school’s uniform during the school festival.

Considering how I have a (relatively) young face, I knew I wouldn’t have any issues blending in. However, I didn’t know to what extent I could pull it off! Students paid no attention to me; they casually walked by me, not bothering with the usual greetings I would receive as the ALT. I was almost scolded by the teachers for not wearing the correct socks too! I remember poking my head through the door to say hi to the students and then walking past the open doorway so they could properly see that I was wearing the uniform. I’ve never heard such a loud, “EH!” in my entire life. I have made many fun memories during my time here in Japan, but I would say this is my favourite one.


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