PDOT 2014: Call For Volunteers

Sr High School PrezPDOT 2014: Call For Volunteers

Do you remember your pre-departure orientation, when your mouth was dry from anxiety and your stomach was in knots from anticipation? And do you remember having your questions answered and your stress melt away (well, some of it anyway)?

Now think of those new JETs who will be departing at the beginning of August and what you can do to help alleviate their fears.

If you would like to help out during the P-Dot weekend (June 21-22, 2014) please contact conference@jetaatoronto.ca by Friday May 16, 2014

After hearing from interested volunteers, the final schedule and appointment of presenters will be determined by the Consulate. We are looking for volunteers who might be interested in presenting various orientation topics, to assist with logistics, set-up and take down.

It would be a great opportunity to play a role in what might be the best year(s) of someone’s life!

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