Photo Contest Japan

Japanese Language Teachers may be interested in the Photo Contest Japan launched on the Hiragana Times  website recently.

They welcome your  photos related to Japan, such as the following :
•    Japanese scenery that’s made an impression on you,
•    dressing up in cosplay or kimono,
•    beautiful Japanese objects,
•    unique Japanese food,
•    funny Japanese signposts,
•    people enjoying Japanese culture, and so on.

Photos taken overseas are also very welcome as long as the subject is related to Japan.

Selections of winning entrants will be  made in consideration of the following points:
1. Whether the photo is humorous, heartwarming, or impressive.
2. Whether the caption is humorous, poetic, or unique.

The first contest was closed last month (133 photos were submitted from 22 countries), and the second contest has now started

Now there is also a visitors’ best caption prize, so that not only photo submitters, but also website visitors can join, adding their own captions to nominated photos. If your photo or caption wins a prize, your name will appear on the website and/or in the Hiragana Times magazine, together with your school name, which can be linked to your school website.

To join, go here.

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