JETAA International Earthquake Update

International JET community – 

There are many JETs and JET Alumni living in the affected areas of yesterday’s earthquake and tsunami. We’d like to remind friends and family who are in search of news from loved ones to use the Google Crisis Response tool set up for the 2011 Japanese Earthquake.

We encourage your chapters to embed this tool on your websites to help spread the word. You can do that here:

For many many of us, this has been a difficult experience and we are sure there is lots of news. Given the need for a central location and immediacy, we encourage your chapters to direct members, families and friends to the Discussions section of the Official JETAA International Alumni Facebook page. Not only is this a great way to share your experience, but it’s a great way to let us know you are alright!

Many thanks everyone!

JETAA International and JETAA Canada

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