We Are Tomodachi Update

Greetings to all members of JET Alumni Association from the staff of the Prime Minister’s Office of Japan. We’re happy to present to you this year’s first  issue of “We Are Tomodachi”.

In the current issue, we introduce to you three museums in Japan that impart the spirit of peace and humanity to future generations by conveying the decisions and actions of Mr. Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who was working at the Japanese-Consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania during World War II. Seeing the plight of refugees from Poland and other European countries fleeing from Nazi persecution, he issued a large number of transit visas to such refugees and is remembered for saving the lives of many refugees.

 We also showcase a Japanese government initiative called “Sport for Tomorrow” which, among other efforts, supports a project seeking to achieve reconciliation among different ethnic groups after the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina through soccer.

This issue also includes a contributed article on the lasting growth of the Japanese economy due to Abenomics, written by Boston Consulting Group President and CEO Rich Lesser, as well as special features on the outstanding management philosophies and technologies of some of the small and medium enterprises that form the backbone of Japan’s economy.

We hope you’ll enjoy this issue!

-Imparting the Spirit of Peace and Humanity to Future Generations https://www.japan.go.jp/tomodachi/2018/winter2018/imparting_the_spirit.html

-Sport for Tomorrow


-Contributed Article: Rich Lesser

Three Ways Japan Can Build on Its Economic Revival https://www.japan.go.jp/tomodachi/2018/winter2018/three_ways_japan_can_build.html

-Feature: Hidden Champions Inspiring the World https://www.japan.go.jp/tomodachi/2018/winter2018/the_small_giant_tree-ring_management.html



We strongly hope that as many people as possible find the time to read the newsletter and deepen their understanding of Japan. These materials are also being introduced digitally through the Government’s official Facebook page and Twitter account. We hope that you will share the content widely with your friends and acquaintances.

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/JapanGov

Twitter: @JapanGov

We welcome opinions from readers. Please feel free to send us any comments at the following address: public.relations@cas.go.jp

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